Hello dear students!

How are you doing? I hope you bring your fingers super fit to class because today we are going to write LETTERS!

Have you ever written one? It is like an e-mail but handwritten on paper and sent inside an envelope via mail. But, who could you write to? Hmmm.... let me think....
Got it! We will become PEN PALS with another school's students!

But what can we explain to someone we do not know? Easy! I will give you a template for you to use. You can also make your own one. The first letter will be a presentation one, so the student who gets it  can know something about you.

Once they receive your letters, they will write us back and each of you will have a letter from them. Every month you will exchange letters and will get to know each other better.

You might think that writing letters is boring but look at all the next purposes in Pen Pal writing, isn't it interesting and fun?

So let's get to it, get your pens and write!

See you later alligator!

Teacher Barbara
